Cyber attacks

5 of the biggest DDoS attacks in recent years

DDoS attacks are a constant problem that any business could suffer. 

They are massive controlled traffic that is directed to a target (server) with the goal of taking it out of order.

Directly or indirectly, one day, you will be affected. They are getting more frequent, and we can easily expect around 10 million attacks this year. Here, we have 5 of the biggest DDoS attacks in recent years. Those who really hit strong and disrupted businesses. 


Domain names

Domain parking: When to consider it?

The days of domain parking and earning from ads are long gone. This kind of easy profits is in the past, but do you still need domain parking services? 

What is domain parking?

Domain parking is an additional feature that many of the domain registrars offer that allows the users who purchase a domain name to have a simple 1-page message (HTML) that shows when you try to open the domain. You can have it without the need for web hosting. The purpose is to show a message to the visitors, that can be a contact, information about the future of the domain, or another. 

How to add a Parked zone?



5 Most popular TLDs for April 2021 according to Statista

Do you want to know which are the 5 most popular TLDs for April 2021? There is a constant battle between the hundreds of newly created generic top-level domains and all the old ones that came decades ago. But, do the old ones still standing their ground, or were they already swept away by the newcomers? Here we have data from Statista with TLD popularity ranking and their market share expressed in percentage.



Most frequently used DNS commands

These DNS commands are the most commonly used when we are talking about DNS troubleshooting. This is because they are easy to use and can provide you information about your DNS records and how your network is operating. It doesn’t matter if you are a Linux, Windows, or macOS user. You have multiple commands included in your OS. So let’s see which are the most frequently practiced DNS commands and how you can use them.

Nslookup command

The NSLookup command is one of the frequently used DNS diagnostic commands. The beneficial thing about it is that it is present on all of the popular operating systems (OS). With it, you are able to see all kinds of DNS records. Also, it includes various options.

Use the NSLookup to see all the available DNS records. In the command line, write: 

$ nslookup -type=any

It is going to show you all of the available DNS records for the particular domain. If you want to see a specific DNS record, change the type to NS, A, AAAA, MX, SOA, etc. After the DNS type, you can put another domain name or IP address.

Learn everything about the Nslookup command!


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