5 Most popular TLDs for April 2021 according to Statista
Do you want to know which are the 5 most popular TLDs for April 2021? There is a constant battle between the hundreds of newly created generic top-level domains and all the old ones that came decades ago. But, do the old ones still standing their ground, or were they already swept away by the newcomers? Here we have data from Statista with TLD popularity ranking and their market share expressed in percentage.
5. .ir TLD 1.9%
In the fifth place in our ranking is the country code top-level domain .ir, which stands for Iran. What is great about this TLD is that people from outside of Iran can register .ir domain too. Both in English and Persian. The registry website is nic.ir. This domain extension has seen growth in the last months, so that it might climb even higher in the future.
Top sites with .ir include: Shaparak.ir, Time.ir, Divar.ir, Tamin.ir, Frasnews.ir.
4. .net TLD 3.3%
On one step higher, we can find one of the old-favorite TLD – .net. Net stands for network, and it has been around for more than 30 years. Initially, it was used by network providers, but currently, there are no restrictions. Unfortunately, although it is well-known, it has been declining for a long time.
Top sites with .net include: Slideshare.net, Csdn.net, Speedtest.net, Behance.net, Savefrom.net.
3. .org TLD 4.4%
.org stands for organization, is another top-level domain that has been around for a long time. All kinds of organizations used it, both non-profit and for-profit ones. It is as old as the .net, and it has the same fate as it. It is slowly declining. Still, it has a significant market share, and people recognize it from the many internationally famous sites it has under its domain.
Top sites with .org include: Wikipedia.org, Telegram.org, Craiglist.org, Archive.org, Mozilla.org.
2. .ru TLD 5.9%
.ru is a ccTLD of the Russian Federation. The current registry website for it is cctld.ru. In which you can find information both in English and Russian. .ru Could be a good option if you are interested in the Russian market. The .ru offers DNSSEC for creating a chain of trust and verify DNS records, such as DS record and DNSKEY record (needed for DNSSEC), of the domains. It has been on a decline since the last year, but it still has a good market share.
Top sites with .ru include: Yandex.ru, Mail.ru, Ok.ru, Aliexpress.ru, Gosuslugi.ru.
1. .com TLD 52.3%
Are you surprised? Of course, the .com TLD is still number 1! It is dominating the market since forever. .com stands for commercial, and it was intended as an extension for all the private companies who what to be on the web. The domain is so strong that it is again on the rise in the last year. Its market position is entirely dominant, and it will most probably continue to be the first on ever most popular TLDs list out there for decades.
Top sites with .com include: Google.com, Amazon.com, Facebook.com, Youtube.com, Baidu.com
.com is still the king, but there are a few more TLDs that soon can be a part of the 5 most popular TLDs – .in (1.8%), .uk(1.6%), .au (1.6%), .ua (1.3%), .de (1.2%). The country code domains are strong. They are a great way to show which is your market and be closer to the consumer, so each of these 5 can soon climb up.
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